Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday Freebie! - Exploring Quadrilaterals

After two weeks without my computer, I finally have it back! Here's an activity I adapted for my class to compare and analyze attributes of quadrilaterals. This file includes 12 quadrilateral sorting cards, a chart for analyzing attributes, a page to draw in lines of symmetry, and an answer key.
This activity meets the following Common Core Standards for Mathematics:
  • 4.G.2 Classify two-dimensional figures based on the presence or absence of parallel or perpendicular lines, or the presence or absence of angles of a specified size.
  • 4.G.3 Recognize a line of symmetry for a two-dimensional figure as a line across the figure such that the figure can be folded along the line into matching parts. Identify line-symmetric figures and draw lines of symmetry.
  • 5.G.3 Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of that category. For example, all rectangles have four right angles and squares are rectangles, so all squares have four right angles.
  • 5.G.4 Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.

Download Exploring Quadrilaterals. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Introduction to Multiplication

My summer class is already half over and we've just begun to think about teaching multiplication and division. Here's the introductory activity I gave them to think about repeated addition, making arrays, and writing number sentences.

This activity meets the following Common Core Standards for Mathematics.
  • 2.OA.4 - Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication. Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays with up to 5 rows and up to 5 columns; write an equation to express the total as a sum of equal addends.
  • 3.OA.1 - Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Interpret products of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 5 × 7 as the total number of objects in 5 groups of 7 objects each. For example, describe a context in which a total number of objects can be expressed as 5 × 7.
Download Building Sets.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday Math Freebies - Numbers to 10

This week's freebie is a set of puzzle cards for the numbers 1-10. For each puzzle set you'll find the numeral, number word, an addition sentence and a subtraction sentence. The addition and subtraction sentences use addends of 0, 1 and 2. The puzzles are color coded with green for numbers 1-5 and blue for numbers 5-10.
Download Number Sense Puzzle Pieces.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Teaching of Climate Change - Teacher Perspectives

In the second part of a two-part series (part I was on the teaching of evolution), AAAS talks with middle and high school teachers across the country to find out what it’s like to teach the often-controversial science topic of climate change and how they deal with the pushback.

Here's the link to Classroom Clashes: Teaching Climate Change.

If you are looking for information on climate change, visit the UCAR Science Education site on Climate.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Monday Math Freebies - Numbers to 20

This week's freebie is a set of "I have, who has?" cards for the numbers 1-20. You'll find number words, ten frames, dice, playing cards, dominoes, base ten blocks, and tally marks. The goal with this set is for students to recognize the numbers from 1-20 in a variety of forms.
Download Practicing Numbers to 20.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Ten Frame Spinners

I've been preparing for my Monday class and playing around a bit with Photoshop. I thought these might be fun.
You'll find three different sizes of spinners.

Download Ten Frame Spinners. If you grab these, please let me know how you might use them in your classroom. I'd love to know!