Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday Freebies - Vocabulary Booklets

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
I've been working on interactive notebooks with my students over the last few semesters. In thinking about how they might be used in the classroom, we spend quite a bit of time talking about strategies for vocabulary.

I thought it might be fun to create some strip booklets for students to use in math or science, either over the course of the year or for each major unit of instruction. Each booklet includes pages identified by letter of the alphabet. Most letters are given a single page, but the pages for Q/R, U/V, W/X, and Y/Z are shared. On each page there is a space for the word, a picture, and definition.
Here's what they look like.

I hope you get a chance to use these in your home or classroom. Please let me know if you try them and how they work!

BTW, if you're looking for strategy ideas for teaching academic vocabulary, here are a few resources I like.


  1. I love these and they work perfect with the half journals I use in class. Both links go to the science, so math isn't downloadable :).

    I am in love with your blog!!!!

    1. Hi Janine,
      Thanks for letting me know about the link error. I have fixed it, so you should be able to download the math file.

  2. Thanks for sharing, these vocabulary books look fantastic!
    Love to Learn
