This annotated bibliography will focus on conductors and insulators and basic circuitry and different historical contributions to electricity. We will also look at static electricity and the ability for electrical energy to be transformed into light and motion and to produce heat. This also looks at how a complete circuit is made and how electricity can be used to manufacture heat.

A great review or introduction into magnetism and electricity and how they are connected this book also goes over basic circuits. This book has plenty of photographs and clear illustrations that will help your child understand and visually grasp the concepts well.

Battery Science: Make Widgets that Work and Gadgets That Go, Doug Stillinger, 2003, 56 p. Klutz, Gr. 4, (1591742517)
This is book is awesome! The experiments alone are fun for the whole family and also educational for the children. The book comes with a kit that will provide you with items to do some of the experiments, however most experiments should be done under the supervision of an adult. If your child is a visual learner this is the book for them because of the illustrations and step by step explanations to each process will aide your child in discovering the most awesome scientific methods and understanding behind battery power
Conductors and Insulators, Angela Royston, Angela Royston, 2003, 32 p. Heinemann Library, Gr. 3 (1403408513).
This book talks about which materials conduct electicity and looks at everyday objects around the house that are conductors. This book also looks into why wires are covered with plastic and other such safety information that is helpful to how circuits work.
Elementary Physics - Magnetism, Ben Morgan, Ben Morgan, 2003, 24 p. Blackbirch Press, Gr. 4 (1410300803).
This book will take a look at the forces that exist in nature and how magnetism is used in everyday objects. This is great for showing kids good visual examples of magnetism and allow kids to see how magnetism and the forces of nature can apply to life. This is great for any upper elementary kid, as it will co-inside with their SOL.
What Makes a Magnet? Franklyn M. Branley, True Kelley, 1990, 32 p. Collins, Gr. 2 and up, (0054451488)
Its actually an interesting book. It's good to read around bedtime to your kid or after school to reinforces a science lesson at school. It isn't the most detailed thing but it is super engaging when the kid co-insides the story with the experiments in the book. This book comes with a story that explain how magnets work and some additional experiments for the parent and the kid to do together. This is great if you wanna spend some good bonding time with your child.
Science Made Simple
This website goes over the components of static electricity for kids. It even has age appropriate illustrations to help further points as well as clear explanations for concepts. The website reviews everything is made of atoms and the parts of an atom and what role they play in life. From there the website goes into electrical charges and how those charges can make electrons move and cause static electricity. This is a great resource for a fallow up to a science.
Brain Pop
This is an awesome website that helps kids look into how electricity can form heat and be the power source to make things go. This website includes many games and illustration and kid friendly videos to aide your child in exploring the world of electricity and science.
Thomas Edison
This is a biographical website examining the life of Thomas Edison. It’s very kid friendly and a great print out for kids when teaching them about the innovators of electicity in a histocial context. This is a great tool for looking at the history of electicity and how it plays a role in our life today.
Insulators and Conductors
A great website for looking at insulators and conductors and also a easy read for any 4th grader who wants to learn about electic current and other things electic. This website alo includes illustrations and is a good printout for the classroom. This website also examines the differnces between postive and negitive electrons.
Explain That Stuff: Electricity and Static Electicity
This website goes into the basic understanding of electicity and
static electricity. The website also provides visual aides and fun
facts to share with the kids. Illustrations include how circuits work
and how the flow of electrons can create a circuit. The website also
looks into what materials are conductive.
For Teachers
VA Standards of Learning 4.3 The student will investigate and understand the characteristics of electricity.
a. Conductors and insulators
b. Basic circuits
c. Static electricity
d. The ability of electrical energy to be transformed into light and motion and to produce heat
e. Simple electromagnets and magnetism
f. Historical contributions in understanding electricity
Background Information from Curriculum Framework
- A continuous flow of negative charges (electrons) creates an electric current. The pathway taken by an electric current is a circuit. Closed circuits allow the movement of electrical energy. Open circuits prevent the movement of electrical energy.
- Electrical energy moves through materials that are conductors (metals). Insulators (rubber, plastic, wood) do not conduct electricity well.
- Among conducting materials, energy passes more or less easily because of the material's resistance.
- Rubbing certain materials together creates static electricity.
- Lightning is the discharge of static electricity in the atmosphere.
- Electrical energy can be transformed into heat, light, or mechanical energy.
- Certain iron-bearing metals attract other such metals (also nickel and cobalt).
- Lines of force extend from the poles of a magnet in an arched pattern defining the area over which magnetic force is exerted.
- An electric current creates a magnetic field, and a moving magnetic field creates an electric current.
- A current flowing through a wire creates a magnetic field. Wrapping a wire around certain iron-bearing metals (iron nail) and creating a closed circuit is an example of a simple electromagnet.
- Benjamin Franklin, Michael Faraday, and Thomas Edison made important discoveries about electricity.
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