Sunday, December 4, 2011

Unit Resource Portfolio: Animal Adaptations

In order to ensure survival all animals have adapted to their environment. Adaptations can be behavioral or physical. If your students are wondering why animals, including themselves, are shaped and act the way that they do, this is a fitting lesson plan.

Standards of Learning and Teacher Notes/Background Information

3.4              The student will investigate and understand that adaptations allow animals to satisfy life needs and respond to the environment. Key concepts include
a)    behavioral adaptations; and
b)   physical adaptations.

Understanding the Standard
(Background Information for Instructor Use Only)
Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Processes
·       In order to survive, animals act in different ways to gather and store food, find shelter, defend themselves, and rear their young.
·       Physical adaptations help animals survive in their environment (e.g., camouflage, mimicry).
·       Various animals possess adaptations which help them blend into their environments to protect themselves from enemies (camouflage). Camouflage is the means by which animals escape the notice of predators, usually because of a resemblance to their surroundings using coloration or outer coverage patterns.
·       Mimicry occurs when a species has features similar to another species.  Either one or both are protected when a third species cannot tell them apart.  (Mimicry happens in both animal and plant species.) Some animals look like other animals to avoid being eaten (mimicry). This adaptation helps protect them from their predators. (For example, the viceroy butterfly tastes good to birds, but the monarch butterfly tastes bad. Because the viceroy looks like the monarch butterfly, it is safer from predators.)  Mimicry can also occur as mimicked behaviors, mimicked sounds, or mimicked scents.
·       Behavioral adaptations allow animals to respond to life needs. Examples include hibernation, migration, dormancy, instinct, and learned behavior.
·       Some animals (e.g., groundhogs, black bears) go into a deep sleep in which their body activities slow down due to seasonal changes and they can live off stored food (hibernation). Hibernation is a condition of biological rest or inactivity where growth, development, and metabolic processes slow down.
·       Some animals (e.g., geese, monarch butterflies, tundra swans) go on a long-distance journey from one place to another (migration) in search of a new temporary habitat because of climate, availability of food, season of the year, or reproduction. 
·       Dormancy is a state of reduced metabolic activity adopted by many organisms (both plants and animals) under conditions of environmental stress or, when such stressful conditions are likely to appear, as in winter.
·       Some animals are born with natural behaviors that they need in order to survive in their environments (instincts). These behaviors are not learned but are instinctive, such as a beaver building a dam or a spider spinning a web.
·       Some behaviors need to be taught in order for the animal to survive, such as a bear cub learning to hunt (learned behavior).

In order to meet this standard, it is expected that students will
·       give examples of methods that animals use to gather and store food, find shelter, defend themselves, and rear young.
·       describe and explain the terms camouflage, mimicry, hibernation, migration, dormancy, instinct, and learned behavior.
·       explain how an animal’s behavioral adaptations help it live in its specific habitat.
·       distinguish between physical and behavioral adaptations of animals.
·       compare the physical characteristics of animals, and explain how the animals are adapted to a certain environment.
·       compare and contrast instinct and learned behavior.
·       create (model) a camouflage pattern for an animal living in a specific dry-land or water-related environment. (Relates to 3.6.)
·       design and construct a model of a habitat for an animal with a specific adaptation.


The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives in.
Weather conditions
Any change an animal makes that allows it to survive longer in its environment.
behavioral adaptation
Changes to the way an animal acts that allow it to survive longer.
physical adaptations
Changes to an animal’s body that allow it to survive longer.
The means by which animals escape the notice of predators, usually because of a resemblance to their surroundings using coloration or outer coverage patterns.
A state of reduced metabolic activity adopted by many organisms (both plants and animals) under conditions of environmental stress or, when such stressful conditions are likely to appear, as in winter.

Instructional Plan

Day 1: What Do You Do When Your Environment Changes?
Objectives: Students will
·      Identify how they adapt to climate changes.
·      Analyze why humans adapt the way they do to certain climates.

Ask the class for volunteers to come up to the front of the room. Pick about three people. Explain to the students that when you say what the weather is like, they need to act out what they would do in that situation. For example, if it is cold they would start to shiver. Ask the class why they think their peers acted the way that they did? Ask the volunteers why they acted the way that they did. Discuss why humans react the way that they do to certain weather climates. For instance, humans shiver because the movement of shivering keeps the body warm. For the second activity, build several piles (a pile for each group of about 5 people) of different items for various weather scenarios. For example, include sun tan lotion, a ran jacket, snow boots, etc. Provide each group a different weather scenario (example: snowing, raining, sunny) and ask them to pick the appropriate gear. Have them dress one person in the gear. Once each group is finished, ask each group to explain why they chose the gear that they did. Introduce the unit’s vocabulary through a foldable. Have the students glue their foldable onto the left side of their interactive notebook. The vocabulary should include: environment, climate, adaptation, behavioral adaptation, and physical adaptation. See below for pictures and directions to make the foldable.

Day 2: Peoples’ Homes
Objectives: Students will
·      Create drawings of the ideal house for specific climates.
Discuss with the class what kind of shelter you would want for different climates. What should you worry about? Examples: flooding, earthquake, wind, snow, temperature, etc. Split the class into groups of 3-4 people. Give each group a large sheet of paper. Provide each group with a different climate. Direct each group to draw a house for their climate. Show the class the Kids Discover magazine, Shelter, of different houses from around the world. Provide each group with another sheet of large paper. Ask them to draw their house again but this time improve it by using the ideas that they saw in the video or new ideas they thought of while watching the video. Have each group present their house to the class and explain why they chose the features that they did.

Day 3: Animal’s Homes
Objectives: Students will
·      Match animals with their habitats.
·      Identify what the purpose of a house it.
Define instincts and behavioral adaptation with the class. Explain that a behavioral adaptation is a change an animal makes in the way they act that helps them to survive. An inherited behavior is one that animals are born instinctually knowing. Ask the students if they can think of any examples. Look for examples like a beaver building a dam, a spider spinning a web, bears living in caves, or termites building termite towers. Ask the students to reflect on their lesson yesterday and identify what the purpose of a house is. Look for answers such as keep you safe from predators and weather, keep you dry and warm, provide a place to sleep and store food, offer a place to lay eggs, and to attract mates. Read Animal Homes to the class. Split the students into groups of 3 or 4. Ask the students to create their own game using the animals and their appropriate homes. For example, the students can make matching games or mazes in which you need to lead the animals to their correct home. If you have students that are more theatrical, offer them the option of creating a short skit about animals in their habitats to perform at the end of the class. If you have more pictorial students, then offer them the option to draw a picture of animals in their habitats. This is a great opportunity for differentiated instruction. Change the options in according to the students in your class. For homework, ask students to look for animal homes near their house such as ant holes or spider webs. Direct students to record their findings into their interactive notebook.

Day 4: Animals and Friends

Objectives: Students will
·      Identify a personal experience of having a symbiotic relationship from their past.
·      Write a poem about a symbiotic relationship.
Ask students to write in their interactive notebook about a time where they needed a friend to help them and a time where they helped the same friend. Read Weird Friends to the class. Ask for a volunteer to write the names of the different pairs of animals on the board as you read. Get a couple copies of Weird Friends or make a couple copies of the pages. Put the different copies on the groups of desks. Ensure that the desks are grouped together in numbers depending on how many copies of Weird Friends you have. Have the students write a poem about one of the animal relationships in their interactive notebooks.

Day 5: Hibernation
Objectives: Students will
·      Create a foldable about bears in hibernation.
Read the section about bears from The Laziest to the class. Either gather several copies of or make copies of sections of The Laziest. Ask the students to use the books or the copies of the book sections to make their own foldable. They may create any foldable that they see fit. If they have not had enough experience making a foldable, then teach them the foldable in the picture example. Make sure that their foldable answers the following questions: Where do they sleep and in what position? (Example: Bats: in caves and upside down). How long do they sleep? What do they eat? Where in the world do they live? (Draw and label the world for this question). Have students glue their foldable into their interactive notebooks.

Day 6: Rainforest Animals
Objective: Students will
·      Choose and research a rainforest animal’s adaptations.
·      Create a foldable about their chosen animal.
Read Animals in Camouflage to the class. When the book asks, “What am I?” ask the students to raise their hands and guess. Explain how some animals adapt by using camouflage. Camouflage is when you blend with surroundings. Animals use this to hide from predators and to sneak up on prey. Discuss how animals also physically adapt by changing their physique. Read What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? and What Do You Do When Something Wants To Eat You? by Steve Jenkin to the class. Discuss the different animal adaptations as you read the book. Provide several books about rainforest animals such as Life on the Equator by Stephanie Lazor. Ask students to choose an animal from the rainforest and research how their animal adapts to their environment. Have the students to create a foldable of their own design to enter in their research. The foldable should answer the following questions: What animal is it? Where in the world does the animal live? (For this answer, draw the world and label). What does the animal eat? What are the animal’s physical adaptations? What are the animal’s behavioral adaptations? Does the animal hibernate? If so, how long and when? Remind the students to ask themselves the questions discussed in the book, like why have certain types of noses, eyes, or ears? If they do not finish their foldable in class, they may finish it for homework that night.

Day 7: Arctic Animals
Objective: Students will
·      Choose and research a arctic animal’s adaptations.
·      Create a foldable about their chosen animal.
Provide students with a variety of books about animals that live in the arctic such as Amazing Arctic Animals. Ask students to use the books to choose an animal that lives in the arctic and research how their animal adapts to their environment. Have the students to create a foldable of their own design to enter in their research. The foldable should answer the following questions: What animal is it? Where in the world does the animal live? (For this answer, draw the world and label). What does the animal eat? What are the animal’s physical adaptations? What are the animal’s behavioral adaptations? Does the animal hibernate? If so, how long and when? Remind the students to ask themselves the questions discussed in the book, like why have certain types of noses, eyes, or ears? If they do not finish their foldable in class, they may finish it for homework that night. If a student finishes early, they may create another foldable or another choice project about arctic animals. The project may be a poem, drawing, news article, skit, or game. If a student has any other ideas for a project they need to have the teacher approve it. If a student finishes their project, allow them to present it to the class.

Day 8: Desert Animals
Objective: Students will
·      Choose and research a desert animal’s adaptations.
·      Create a foldable about their chosen animal.
Provide students with a variety of books about animals that live in the desert such as Adapting and Surviving by Dr. Brian Knapp. Ask students to use the books to choose an animal that lives in the desert and research how their animal adapts to their environment. Have the students to create a foldable of their own design to enter in their research. The foldable should answer the following questions: What animal is it? Where in the world does the animal live? (For this answer, draw the world and label). What does the animal eat? What are the animal’s physical adaptations? What are the animal’s behavioral adaptations? Does the animal hibernate? If so, how long and when? Students should draw a picture of their animal somewhere on the foldable . Remind the students to ask themselves the questions discussed in the book, like why have certain types of noses, eyes, or ears? If they do not finish their foldable in class, they may finish it for homework that night. If a student finishes early, they may create another foldable or another choice project about arctic animals. The project may be a poem, drawing, news article, skit, or game. If a student has any other ideas for a project they need to have the teacher approve it. If a student finishes their project, allow them to present it to the class.

Day 9: Ocean Animals
Objective: Students will
·      Choose and research a ocean animal’s adaptations.
·      Create a foldable about their chosen animal.
Provide students with a variety of books about animals that live in the ocean such as Adapting and Surviving by Dr. Brian Knapp. Ask students to use the books to choose an Have the students to create a foldable of their own design to enter in their research. The foldable should answer the following questions: What animal is it? Where in the world does the animal live? (For this answer, draw the world and label). What does the animal eat? What are the animal’s physical adaptations? What are the animal’s behavioral adaptations? Does the animal hibernate? If so, how long and when? Students should draw a picture of their animal somewhere on the foldable. Remind the students to ask themselves the questions discussed in the book, like why have certain types of noses, eyes, or ears? If they do not finish their foldable in class, they may finish it for homework that night. If a student finishes early, they may create another foldable or another choice project about arctic animals. The project may be a poem, drawing, news article, skit, or game. If a student has any other ideas for a project they need to have the teacher approve it. If a student finishes their project, allow them to present it to the class.

Day 10: Make Your Own Animal
Objective: Students will
·      Create their own animal.
·      Build a foldable describing their animal’s background including their behavioral and physical adaptations.
Direct students to create their very own animal. Ask students to build a foldable to present their animal with in front of the class. The foldable should answer the following questions: What animal is it? Where in the world does the animal live? (For this answer, draw the world and label). What does the animal eat? What are the animal’s physical adaptations? What are the animal’s behavioral adaptations? Does the animal hibernate? If so, how long and when? Students should draw a picture of their animal somewhere on the foldable Remind the students to ask themselves the questions discussed in the book, like why have certain types of noses, eyes, or ears? Students may include any other fun facts about their personal animal. If students finish early, they may write a poem or write a story about their animal. 


Adapting and Surviving by Dr. Brian Knapp. Illus by David Woodroffe. (2003). 24p. Grolier Educational. (32769076747999). Gr. 3-6.
This highly descriptive book discusses how different animals and plants adapt to survive in woodlands, ponds, rivers, meadows, rock pools, mountains, and deserts. It also includes the changes plants and animals undergo in order to live through seasonal changes. One section that is in this book and not several others for thirds graders discusses how plants have adapted to defend themselves.  Adapting and Surviving is a bit text heavy, but a glossary is included at the beginning of the book to help students with vocabulary and a table of contents is also included to help students sift through it to find the information they need quickly. I would not recommend reading this book to the class, but rather offer it to students if they would like to do research.

Night Animals by Susan Meredith. Illus by Patrizia Donaera and Adam Larkum. (2003). 32 p. Usborne Publishing Ltd. (32769080631692). Gr. 2-6.
Night Animals is a picture-filled book that describes how nocturnal animals have adapted in order to survive. It shows how not only have nocturnal animals adapted to seeing at night but they adapt in different ways like how they hunt,  have improved hearing, eyes adjust during the day, can have larger eyes, cool off during the day through mud baths or holes in the ground, sleep during the day, use camouflage, use sound waves, make noises to attract, to communicate with their family, or to keep outsiders away, or use light to send messages such as fireflies. A glossary is included at the end to help students learn the terms nocturnal, hunt, snout, claw, burrow, male and female. Websites are also included to find additional information.

Weird Friends: Unlikely Allies in the Animal Kingdom  by Jose Aruego and Ariane Dewey. (2002). 40p. Gulliver Books Harcourt, Inc. (32769069405829). Gr. 2-6.
This is one of my personal favorite finds for this unit. Weird Friends: Unlikely Allies in the Animal Kingdom is all about symbiotic relationships. Symbiotic relationships is a really good example of adapting to the environments because animals are helping each other so they can both survive. This book has adorable drawings and clear descriptions about the symbiotic relationships between the clown fish and the sea anemone, the rhino and the cattle egret, the blind shrimp and the goby, the ostrich and the zebra, the red phalaropes and the sperm whale, the red ants and the large blue butterfly, the hermit crab and sea anemone, the impalas and the baboons, the horse mackerel and the portuguese man-of-war, the forest mouse and the beetles, the hippo, the oxpeckers and the black labeo fish, the wrasse and the google-eye fish, the tuatara and the sooty shearwater, and finally the water thick-knees and the crocodile. The pictures are large enough and the descriptions short enough that it is the perfect book to read to the class aloud.

What Do You Do When Something Wants To Eat You? by Steve Jenkin. (1997). 16p. Houghton Mifflin Company. (32769048038196). Gr. 2-6.
Every animal has a defense tactic to keep itself from being eaten. Some animals use camouflage to hide, some run away really quickly, and some split their own tails into wiggly little pieces. These defense skills  can be either instinctual or learned behavior. They are how animals have adapted to keep surviving despite living amongst their predators. What Do You Do When Something Wants To Eat You? describes the escape tactics of an octopus, bombardier beetle, puffer fish, glass snake, pangolin, basilisk lizard, hog-nosed snake, clown fish, hover fly, gliding frog, silkmoth, avanese, flying fish, and finally the blue-tongued skink. The pictures are big enough and the descriptions short enough that it is perfect to read aloud to the class.

What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page. (2003). 32p. Houghton Mifflin Company. (32769076278375). Gr. 2-6. 
Animals' physical appearances often change through evolution so animals can survive in their environment. Several examples of these adaptations are shown in What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? The book is set up in a way that two pages will show a certain body part of several animals and will ask "What do you do with a ______[insert name of body part] like this?" The next page will show exactly why those animals have that type of body part and how it helps them survive. The pictures are large enough and the descriptions short enough that it is perfect to read aloud to your class. The read is easy but it is filled with information that you might never have known yourself!

The Laziest by Mymi Doinet. (2002).14p. Random House, Inc. (32769069374140).  Gr. 3-6.
People spend about a third of their life sleeping, but that is nothing compared to some other animals in the world! The Laziest describes several animals around the world that sleep incredibly often including the brown bear, the orangutan, the grass snake, the alpine marmot, the three-toed sloth, the cow, the hippopotamus, the cat, the garden dormouse, the lesser horseshoe bat, the edible snail, and the flamingo. This book contains huge pictures of the animals in real life, not just drawings. This book is too text heavy to read the whole thing to the class, but just a section would be great to introduce students to it and offer it to them for further research.

Amazing Arctic Animals by Jackie Glassman. Illus by Lisa Bonforte. (2002). 48p. Glosset and Dunlap. (32769072889589). Gr. 1-3.
This book is great for students doing research on arctic animals. The book begins by introducing Antarctica and describing how it is the coldest place on Earth. This book shows how Antarctica is in just winter for the last six months, and is still chilly in its summertime. It also explains how Antarctica is in complete darkness for its winter. With such a climate, animals need to be prepared in order to survive. Amazing Arctic Animals depicts the different adaptations of animals that they need. It does not read as a story but rather each 2 pages in the middle section of the book describes a different animal in the arctic.  It provides the baby name of the animal, size at birth, size full grown, favorite foods, and enemies. If a student wanted to do research on arctic animals, this would be there go-to book.

What Color is Camouflage? by Carolyn Otto. Illus  by Megan Lloyd. (1996). 32p. Harper Collins. (32769041872567). Gr. 1-3.
Beautiful pictures of animals using camouflage to hide from their predators are provided on every page. The pictures are large enough and the descriptions are short enough to read aloud to your class. The highly detailed drawings make it easy to see how camouflage helps animals hide.

Animals in Camouflage by Phyllis Limbacher Tildes. (2000). 32p. Charlesbridge Publishing. (32769059300923). Gr. 1-3.
This is the perfect book to read aloud to your class in an introduction to camouflage. Huge pictures allow the whole class to see if held high. The book is set up in a way that on one page it contains a description of the animal and the question, “What am I?” The next page provides the animal’s name and a description of how its particular camouflage helps them hide. Be sure to give time for your students to try to pick out if they can see where the animal is!

Life on the Equator by Stephanie Lazor. (2004). 53p. Rosen Publishing Group. (32769081123426).Gr. 3-6.
Life on the Equator describes the different ecosystems along the equator such as the rainforest and the savannah. It is not just about adaptations, but it does include some interesting adaptation facts such as how toucans have longer and bigger beaks to give them advantage in getting food over birds with smaller beaks. This book would be for third graders at a more advanced reading level.

Shelter  Edited by Stella Sands. (1998).19p. Kids Discover. (10542868). Gr. 3-6.
This magazine is a great source of information about the different types of houses built around the world. These different houses include sod houses, steel houses, wood houses, stone houses, bottle houses, mud/dung/stick/hair/straw houses, foam houses, mud houses, cave houses, leaf houses, and bamboo and paper houses. This is a great lesson to introduce students to how people adapt to their environments through house making.

Animal Hibernating by Pam Hickman. Illus by Pat Stephens. (2005). 39p. Kids Can Press. (32769083383721). Gr. 3-6.
There are several animals out there that hibernate. This book describes how different animals have adapting to weather changing to the cold side by hibernating. The particularly cool thing about this book is that it actually describes how it is physically possible to survive while sleeping for so long.  The book describes how different animals survive hibernation. For instance, a black bear’s breathing and heart rate would be much lower than normal. They would also grow a thick layer of fur and fat to stay warm. Many animals curl up in their sleep, and the book provides a science experiment to teach students why curling up is an effective way to stay warm.
See if you can answer all the frog's questions about the adaptations of animals in the arctic. This is another Eco Kids Game. Eco Kids is a reliable site made for kids. This site also has homework help if students wish to use it.
Beat the clock! Pick the correct three out of four adaptations for the chosen animal before the clock runs out!
Read up on deciduous forest animals and the adaptations they have gained by living in their environment. This website also includes an introductory lesson on adaptation by describing how humans adapt to different weather climates. It describes the difference between physical and behavioral adaptation. This site includes a teacher resource section under "Teacher Lounge" which leads to a glossary, lesson ideas, and further activities.
This National Geographic website for kids provides pictures and descriptions of certain animals and how they have adapted to their environments. A plethora of animal options are provided. These animals can be sorted on the site by the habitat they live in or whether or not they are mammals, birds, invertebrates, fish, bugs, birds, insects or even dinosaurs.
Read about the major ways hat plants and animals adapt to desert life in Southeast Arizona. Some of the information might be a little advanced for third graders, but if the teacher explains it then the site can certainly be used. 

Assessment Resources

This website is an adaptations quiz. The quiz provides a picture of an animal and a statement. For example, the first question has a picture of a wolf and reads, “Fur turns white during the cold, snowy winter months. To answer the questions, students need to write the function of the adaptation and what the name of the animal is.

This website provides a pre-test on animal adaptations. It includes labeling, matching, and multiple choice. This website also includes other worksheets for the lesson including an animal concept web for behaviors and features, a fill in the blank with a word bank, a study guide, a place to summarize key concepts, a kwl chart, a writing frame, and even a post-test.

This website includes a pre-test and a post-test for animal adaptations. They are both fill in the blank with a word bank. Each test is only 5 questions long. This website also includes a video quiz game and a vocabulary review.

This website is an online quiz about adaptations. The quiz provides pictures. The website also provides a link for further resources for teachers.

This website provides different options of assessments. The suggestions include having the students write a story, letter, song, comic strip, textbook chapter, photo essay, or create a diorama or game.

Answer Keys to Assessments
Answer Key for First Assessment Resource
1.     Function: to blend with the snow and hide from predators and prey.
Animal: Wolf

2.     Function: to go long distances without needing water.
Animal: Camel

3.     Function: to run fast and catch prey
Animal: Cheetah

4.     Function: to breathe air when they resurface. They only have to resurface enough to she blowhole reaches the air.
Animal: Dolphin

5.     Function: to reach food (twigs and leaves) high up in the trees.
Animal: Giraffe

6.     Function: to climb hard rocks without injuring their feet.
Animal: Billy-goat

7.     Function: so the air catches the skin and allows them to soar in the air.
Animal: Flying squirrel

8.     Function: to swim easily and swiftly
Animal: Penguin

9.     Function: to move easily and swiftly in the water
Animal: Seal

10. Function: for buoyancy because oil is less dense than water.
Animal: Shark

11. Function: to swim easily
Animal: Platypus

12. Function: To keep them warm.
Animal: Walrus

Answer Key to Second Assessment Resource
(Question 1 is labeling the anteater’s tongue and claws)
2. Anteaters have claws to dig into the ground. They have long tongues to pick up ants.
3. d
4. c
5. b
6. e
7. a
8. b
9. a
10. c

(The first questions just asks to label the camel’s hump and feet).
2. The camel’s hump is made of lots of fat and can help it survive a long amount of time without food.
3. d
4. c
5. e
6. a
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. b

Answer Key for 3rd Assessment Resource Pre-test
1.     bodies
2.     plants
3.     blend
4.     chance
5.     survive

1.     camouflage
2.     meat
3.     choice
4.     survival
5.     behavior

Rubric for Foldables
Their points
Out of
Did they answer all the asked questions?

Did they include a picture?

Folding wise, did they correctly make the foldable?

Is it neat enough to be used as a reference to return to?


Take a single sheet of paper.

Hot dog fold your paper.

Hamburger fold your paper.

Unfold your paper once.

Fold the bottom half into thirds. 

Unfold your paper once.

Do the same to the top half.

Unfold your paper once.

Cut the creases on the front cover only. 

Cut off the cover on the top section of the foldable. 

Use the top section to write the title. On the front cover on the other flaps write the vocabulary terms.

On the inside flap, write the vocabulary definitions.

Take two pieces of paper.

Overlap one sheet over the other, leaving about an inch.

Fold over the papers. Staple the top edge.

Take a single sheet of paper.

Fold one corner to the edge of the other side.

Cut off the excess edge.

Unfold your paper. Make sure it is on the valley side.

Fold your paper in half. 

Unfold your paper. 

Fold your paper in half to make a new crease.

Unfold your paper.

Fold your paper inwards so the two corners meet.

Fold the top down and crease the edges.

This should be your final result.

by Nicole Pradas

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