
If You Were a Minute. By Trisha Speed Shaskan. Illus. by Francesca Carabelli. 200
9. 24p. Picture Window Books, (9781404852020). Gr. K-2.
This is part of the math series, Math Fun, and begins with defining a minute as a unit
used to measure time. The author does a good job breaking down the notion of time for young children and relating it in a way they will understand.

Maisy's First Clock. By Lucy Cousins. Illus. by the author. 2011. 16p. Candlewick Press, (9780763650957). Gr. K.
This book is good to introduce telling time and clocks, especially since it uses a familiar character for kindergarten students. Children can follow Maisy the mouse throughout the day and get a concept of time while exploring with th
e clock with movable hands.

Tell Time with the Very Busy Spider. By Eric Carle. Illus. bythe author. 2006. 18p.Penguin Group, (9780448444192). Gr. K-2.
This is a board book that helps kids learn how to tell time. It is an interactive book that allows children to move the hands of the clock to show the time things happened to the spider throughout the day.

Telling Time. By Jules Older. Illus. by Megan Halsey. 2000. 32p. Charlesbridge Pub., Inc., (9780881063974). Gr. K-1.
This book is great for young children learning to tell time because it uses humorous text to explain the concept of time, from seconds to hours on digital and analog clocks. This book also touches on telling time on calenders.

Time. By Penny Dowdy. Illus. by the author. 2008. 24p. Crabtree Publishing Company, (9780778743446). Gr. 1-2.
This book is part of the My Path To...math series, which is great to introduce concepts to children. The book is full of colorful picture to engage the students in the material.
This is an interactive game, where you read the time given in words and then stop the clock by clicking on it when the hands are in the corresponding positions. This is a good activity for students to play when practicing telling time.
This website is a compilation of math games that relate to time. This gives students many opportunities to play these games and understand the concept of time.
This website is a good tool for teachers because it provides different activities and lessons to teach time to students. There are also clocks that can be used in the classroom.
This is a teacher resource tool that is helpful when teaching the measurement of time. It provides information for different units of time measurement as well as activities and games for to use in your classroom.
This interactive game helps students practice telling time with analog and digital clocks. For example, there will be an analog clock with a time on it, and you have to match it with the corresponding digital clock.
For Teachers
Virginia Standard of Learning K.9: The student will tell time to the hour, using analog and digital clocks.
Curriculum Framework:
- Many experiences in relating time on the hour to daily routines and school schedules help students develop personal referents for time.
- Making sense of telling time to the nearest hour is reinforced when students recognize the positions of the hands on an analog clock and identify the corresponding time to the hour.
Virginia Standard of Learning 1.8: The student will tell time to the half-hour, using digital and analog clocks.
Curriculum Framework:
- Many experiences using clocks help students develop an understanding of the telling of time to the half-hour, including...
- identifying the parts of an analog clock,
- demonstrating a given time to the half-hour, using a model clock,
- writing correct digital time to the half-hour; and
- relating time on the half-hour to daily routines and school schedules
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